Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Project for a Rainy Afternoon

Tony played his first rugby game last Saturday. Of course, it was pouring rain and freezing cold outside. As much as I love my dear husband, I decided to wait for a warmer day to watch and spent the afternoon at the local garden centre with Elli, our dear landlady. We walked around and bought plants, and when it started to rain, we went to the cafe and and tea and scones. Slightly different day from Tony's.

Here's my project from that afternoon

Instagram Around London

Some Instagram Photo's of our recent trip to Buckingham Palace

Monday, February 13, 2012

A New Place to Call Home

We've been here a whole week and we are loving it! Of course, everyone think's we're crazy to have left the sunshine, but we met a lovely Indian couple at church last night who shared the same sentiment that the snow is fun and it's been refreshing. Granted, it's only snowed enough to look pretty and not cause too many problems getting around.

View out the living room (lounge)

We've been into London twice, once to just look around and once to go to church. We've been to Ikea, Tesco, Costco, Sainsbury and Waitrose. We spent an evening out with new friends from Tony's rugby club and navigated our way through the bus/train/tube system without getting lost once! We've got a full pantry and a very warm bedroom. The kitchen is almost complete and I've already sent out two applications for music positions. We've still got a lot to do, but God has been so gracious to allow things to move so quickly.

Our new kitchen. Need's some plants and a clock. Look at our teeny tiny fridge on the left! We do have some freezer space in the garage and so far this all seems to be working for us :-)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

London Baby

We're here, we made it, and we are having a fantastic time!
We flew Air New Zealand and made it to Heathrow 30 minutes early.  Our plane was a brand new 777 and had touchscreens for entertainment and food service.  We were hungry about 4am and ordered Shapes and L & P.  

A friend from the Rugby club Tony will play for picked us up at the airport.  It was so sweet of him to take off of work and drive us, since we had no idea how we would have gotten all our luggage on the train.

We had ordered iPhones for Christmas and right before we arrived in London had Sim cards delivered to our hotel.  We spent the first morning setting things up and playing with our new 

That afternoon we went into London to explore.  One of our American friends was taking a class at Oxford and we were meeting her for dinner.  It was absolutely fantastic!

At Victoria Station

We made our way to the second largest Apple Store in the World.  We got plug's for our phones and a free cord so Tony could charge his computer.  So nice.

After lunch at Covent Garden we walked along the Thames to see the London Eye and Houses of Parliament.  There were tons of (very drunk) Kiwi's out to celebrate Waitangi Day

Coffee at a Cafe on the Strand

Guess where we are

We took the Tube over to Harrods (so amazing by the way) and met up with Amy for a fabulous dinner at a Cafe on top of Harvey Nichols: Fried Oysters, Sea Bream, Wild Boar Ragout.
yum, yum, yum

The Chocolate Shop at Harrods

 It had started to snow and we headed out for Tea and Sticky Toffee Pudding at the Caramel Room at the Berkeley Hotel.

After some lengthy delays on the train due to the snow we made it back to our Hotel in Croydon, 20 minutes south of London.

We woke up this morning to a beautiful scene.  We're definitely not in California anymore!

We've had a great time so far and would ask that you please continue to pray for us as we look at a potential flat tomorrow and hopefully can find a church asap. 

Lot's of love and please keep in touch!

Tony and Cindy