Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Epic Catch-Up Post

I apologize for the lapse in posting.
Normally if I don't blog it's cause not much has happened.
This time it's simply because too much has been going on.

Biggest pieces of news... Tony and I both have full-time jobs.  I've just finished my first term teaching music at a darling little primary school in Southwest London and have
six weeks off before we begin again in September.

My music room
Our end of the year Production- A Midsummer Night's Dream
The pretty flowers a special Kiwi brought me 
on the final night of our production

Tony, after spending nearly two months free-lancing (thank you Lord for overtime pay), began a new job in Richmond, just a short bus ride away from my school.  We both are overwhelmed with God's goodness in providing jobs so quickly! 

The Olympic Torch passing Tony's office

We moved in the beginning of June to the cutest flat ever.  I LOVE it here.  It's super quiet and safe, and though it's slightly smaller than our place in Long Beach, I think we both like it better here.
We're close to several friends from church and have just a short walk to both a major bus line and the train station.  Again, it was truly a blessing from God that the first place we looked at turned into our new home.  

My favorite part- a real garden!

 This beautiful rose was blooming when we moved in

Clancy the fox who likes to take naps
 under the tree in the back of the garden

We have been having so much fun checking out different parts of London.  Our church doesn't start til 4pm on Sunday afternoons so we will often use Sunday morning's as a time to explore the city.

Picnic under the roses at a park near church

 At a Kiwi cafe called 'AllPress' in Shoreditch- 
one of our fav places in the city.  
Totally feels like we're back in So Cal

Flea Markets at Brick Lane

 We spent one Saturday in Hampton Court (I forgot my phone so I'll post Tony's pix later).  We visited the Palace where Henry VIII lived and went 'antiquing' in the many shops around town.  We came home with these beautiful art deco vases and promptly filled them with the peonies that were growing like crazy in our garden. 

Watch for more pix and posts to come!